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Preliminary findings from the Maintainers Listening Tour at All Things Open 2021

Maintainers Listening Tour

In 2021 the GitHub All In project embarked on a Maintainers Listening Tour to study the barriers maintainers faced when building more inclusive communities. The Maintainers Listening Tour was part of a larger All In effort that included providing open source education to marginalized students and collaborating with the Linux Foundation on a DEI in Open Source Research Study. Together, these formed the pillars of the All In Program: Access, Equity, Maintainers, and Data, and the program continues to flourish.

One of the FY2025 goals for the All In Program is to expand the Maintainers pillar through resources, curriculum, and support for maintainers. As such, we are revisiting this original study to help inform future program opportunities. We would love to include your voice in our current research.

Join one of our focus groups during Maintainers Month by registering here or reaching out to participate in another way here.

Maintainers Month Focus Group Sessions:

All sessions will start at 8 AM PST. Click the link below to join the conversation.

Common Pain Points Shared

Every time someone gives us advice on how to create DEI within our communities, it is often with some long, time consuming process. We are developers, can’t someone create some automated tools or scripts or something to help us? blue orb

It is overwhelming the number of DEI resources that we receive. We wish there was a website or repo where we could go that has all of those resources in one place. blue orb

Who's doing great work out there with DEI? What communities or projects? How can we find them and learn what they are doing? blue orb